by Greg Masinton | Jan 20, 2025 | Current
I’m not watching the news today.. Who am I kidding? I never “watch” the news. I just consume content through various channels and apps, blending sources in a foolish attempt to get to what is real. It’s Inauguration Day in the USA, 2025, and as we usher in and...
by Greg Masinton | Jun 15, 2021 | Current, Travel
I wrote an article for a writing magazine a long time ago…something like 5 Ways Listicles have destroyed my life…or something like that Oh, wait. Here it is! I hate listicles (lists masquerading as articles). They are solidly on the...
by Greg Masinton | Jan 26, 2021 | Current, Finance, Life
Notes on reducing, minimizing, and deciding what is important How many pairs do you need? For me, it’s six. No more and no less. I’d like it to be less, but I simply can’t get past that. Actually it’s seven if you count the single use clipped bicycle shoes, but...
by Greg Masinton | Jan 12, 2021 | Current, Life
What I want my days in pandemic-era self-imposed Mexican exile (Mexile?) to look like Wake before the sunrise, feeling refreshed and optimistic Watch sunrise with a proper cappuccino Have a light snack of fruit and nuts then engage in rigorous interval training,...
by Greg Masinton | Dec 23, 2020 | Current, Life
Sadly, we seem to have become a society that can no longer communicate. We are stressed, angry, scared, and we are definitely polarized – about stupid stuff, too. It seems no one can have a conversation lasting longer than 3 minutes (or 4 response posts on any...
by Lael Masinton | Jul 30, 2020 | Current, Life
As long back as I can remember, my mother taught me to save. What allowance there was, was always separated out into tithing, saving and spending. Even the tooth fairy was not spared. That dollar under the pillow in return for extracted teeth got divided out, too....