The Theory Of The Witness Wine

The Theory Of The Witness Wine

When my mother told me I would have to use math when I grew up, this is exactly what I was hoping she meant. The Math: A normal wine bottle contains 750ml of wine, or a little over 25 ounces. Our extraordinary math skills tell us that is equal to five glasses of wine,...
Travel Blog – Oktoberfest and Munich

Travel Blog – Oktoberfest and Munich

The day started out like so many others in my past. I woke to the sound of the phone alarm clock sounding at 7am (still 11pm at home and in the heart of your hero, having been in country only a day or so now) and had to resist the urge to throw the damn thing...

My new theory on the popularity of pro football

I have a new theory about professional football. I think the popularity of NFL football is now being completely supported by the gambling trends of weekly and yearly Fantasy Football leagues. It’s a new theory, and I’m just developing it now, but it feel...

Wanderlust Watch List – Americans Abroad

The greatest joy of traveling to foreign lands is affording yourself the opportunity to simply view and engage in different cultures, eat different foods, listen to different languages, stand out in a crowd, or do your best to fit in. That said, as glorious the...
I hate digital photography

I hate digital photography

Regarding travel photography, seriously, what is the deal with the picture taking?  As we stood on the platform to catch our train to Rome some time ago, a platform that was amazingly small in a train station that was puny in a hill town that...

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Cheers! Clink.