Backpacks And A Wine Key

Wandering winos on a pilgrimage to nowhere searching for a glass that is more than half full.


Travel, food and wine, life, health, and the occasional sermon on perspective. Here is the latest – read the rest here.

The Latest

Pilgrim Journal – A Dirtbag Tour Through Tuscany And Other Notes

Here’s an example of one of the more surreal moments experienced on our travels, and other notes on our journey so far…

Food And Wine Photography

Click here to see some of our latest food and wine photography from Carboy Winery, our urban winery client with locations in Littleton, Breckenridge, and soon Downtown Denver.  Learn more about this award-winning winery at

Grand Cru Wine Drinking Day In Burgundy

There are 32 Grand Cru vineyards throughout Burgundy. In one hot day day, during the summer of 2015, we sampled wines from nearly half of them. The day started like every day really should; with a croissant and coffee at La Villa Fleurie, our quaint little bed...

Notes On The Feeling Of Freedom

When I was 18, I left the house to go to college. I took with me all I owned, a duffel bag full of clothes, a guitar, and my bed to set up in my first apartment. For the next few years I lived in the moment. Now I’m over 50, done working, and have spent the last year roaming the world. I’ve gone from having nothing to having everything, and then intentionally back to nothing again.

Not that there is anything wrong with that

I have many gay friends. I always have. Gay friends are cool...because they are your friends, right? I guess I'm lucky. I was raised, by and large, to be non-judgmental. My parents didn't really bring up the whole race, creed, sex thing. I have never even thought...

Photo Journal – Mexico

A photographic journey and small sample of images from our pandemic life in Mexico

On Youth, Passports, and Consulates

Yeah, we had to visit a consulate to check a passport, but more noteworthy part was the encounter with the other American tourists while waiting in the secure seating area outside the consulate functional area, namely two lovely and young American girls.

Walking Notes – Losing track of everything I think is true

A stream of consciousness project of turning on the speech-to-text feature on my phone and having it record whatever I say as I take my morning walk – with very little editing and even less proper punctuation.

Wino Journal

Stories, logs, and blogs on moving on from a life of work and routine.


Stories, logs, and blogs on our pilgrim journeys as we grab our backpacks (and a wine key) and walk through Italy, Scotland, Spain, and the great wine regions of the world – including New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, and Argentina, to name a few.

Urban Food Adventure London

Urban Food Adventure London

It’s been over 20 years since we strolled through London. First time was for touristy stuff, this time…pretty much just to eat. How priorities change over the years.

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Urban Adventure Dublin

Urban Adventure Dublin

We had never been to Dublin and have been told by many of our friends that it was a must-visit. That, and Irish history has always been a bit of a blind spot for me that needed correcting.

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Paris Café Culture

Paris Café Culture

A not-so wise man once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop to look around for a while, you could miss it.” Nowhere is that advice more needed than here in America. Nowhere is that advice more honored than in Paris. Paris is a busy, bustling city of over...

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Professional And Personal Photography On Travel, Adventure, Outdoors, Food, Wine, and Life.








































































What we do for some money when we aren't doing other things.



Guide Services

Helping You Make Your Mark And Find Your Way




Creative Consulting

Identity, Creative, Content, Social And Digital Communication

For over 20 years, we have provided consultation, strategic direction, and creative content solutions for entrepreneurs, small businesses and large, in the service arena, retail and real estate, specialty food and beverage, travel and technical services.

We specialize in brand management, communications, content development, social media consultation, marketing, and really good wine recommendations. We are proud digital nomads and happily work with clients all over the country and world.

Entrepreneur Coaching

Guide Services For Business And Life

Know what you want to be when you grow up? Want a new job or to start a business and work for yourself? Career and Entrepreneur Coaching is about helping you build the real you – developing your ideas and image, broadcasting that image out into your world. For executives and entrepreneurs, we bring focus to your goals, add clarity to your communication and passion to your profession.

For you, we help you expand your reach, navigate through choices, build your own personal brand and guide you in the right direction.

Witness Wine

Personal and Professional Wine Consulting

We offer personal wine consulting services, including cellar management, purchasing, private tastings and parties, trip planning and more. We also offer marketing, creative consultation, operations, and club management services to wineries and other specialty beverage businesses large and small.

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Cheers! Clink.